Paper for the thematic issue of Survey in Geophysics on «Hydrology from space»


A. V. Kouraev1,2, M.N. Shimaraev3, P.I. Buharizin4, M.A. Naumenko5
J-F. Crétaux1, N. Mognard1, B. Legrésy1, F. Rémy1

1) Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales (LEGOS), Toulouse, France

2) State Oceanography Institute, St. Petersburg branch, Russia

3) Limnological Institute, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia

4) Astrakhan expedition base of the Water Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dept. of Engineering Ecology, Astrakhan, Russia;

5) Institute of Limnology of Russian Academy of Sciences, ST. Petersburg, Russia



We show how the studies of ice cover of continental water bodies can benefit from the synergy of more than 15 years-long simultaneous active (radar altimeter) and passive (radiometer) observations from radar altimetric satellites (TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, ENVISAT and Geosat Follow-On) and how this approach can be complemented by SSM/I passive microwave data to improve spatial resolution. Five largest Eurasian continental water bodies — Caspian and Aral seas, Baikal, Ladoga and Onega lakes are selected as examples. First we provide an overview of ice regime and history of ice studies for these seas and lakes. Then a summary of the existing state of the art of ice discrimination methodology from altimetric observations and SSM/I is given. The drawbacks and benefits of each type of sensor and particularities of radiometric properties for each of the chosen water bodies are discussed. Influence of sensor footprint size, ice roughness and snow cover on satellite measures is also addressed. A step-by-step ice discrimination approach based on a combined use of the data from the four altimetric missions and SSM/I is presented, as well as the results of validation of this approach using in situ and independent satellite data in the visible range. The potential for measurement of snow depth from passive microwave observations using both altimeters and SSM/I is addressed and a qualitative comparison of in situ snow depth observations and satellite-derived estimates is made.


radar altimetry, radiometry, ice and snow cover, Caspian sea, Aral sea, Lake Baikal, Lake Onega, Lake Ladoga


Many boreal continental water bodies have seasonal ice cover. In this work we address ice conditions in five largest Eurasian continental water bodies — Caspian and Aral seas, Baikal, Ladoga and Onega lakes (Figure 1) that every year are covered by ice for several months. Ice cover dramatically affects energy exchange between water and atmosphere, hydrophysical and hydrobiological processes in these seas and lakes. Living conditions of endemic mammals, such as Baikal and Caspian seals, that use ice to pup, nurse, mate and molt [Pastukhov, 1993; Kouraev et al., 2004a, 2007a], strongly depend on ice conditions. Ice dynamics influences transport and navigation, fisheries and other industrial activities, such as Russian and Kazakh oil prospecting rigs operating on the Northern Caspian shelf. Temporal and spatial variability of ice processes in these seas and lakes is influenced by meteorological conditions (mainly by thermal regime), but also by wind and currents, bottom morphology and other factors. Studies and monitoring of ice cover conditions are thus providing valuable information for climate research, maritime safety and sustainable environmental management.

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We are grateful for the Center for Topographic studies of the Oceans and Hydrosphere (CTOH) at LEGOS, Toulouse, France for provision of the altimetric and radiometric data. The research has been partly supported by the AICSEX (Arctic Ice Cover Simulation Experiment) Project of the 5th framework program of the European Commission and RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) Grants No. 04-05-64839 and 03-05-64226. Any other projects?



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